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Jana Roemer

Contributing Writer

In a chamber of perpetual transformation, she says: “To tell you who I am in a bio is to tell you who I was. The metamorphosis I find myself in is so intense lately that I cannot accurately write the story of who I am.”

After traveling the globe, in search of Spiritual sights, teachers and experiences, she found the best teachers to be prayer and meditation, the moon and Mother Earth, forever admitting "I don't know," deep listening and surrender. She respects her teaching role and shares vulnerably from her heart and keeps it real. Her strength as a teacher is her studentship. Teachings are transmitted through her experiences and way of Being.

Aside from a firm commitment to the path of yoga, the biggest transformation of her life is happening now as she navigates motherhood. Motherhood is completely unpredictable, deeply intuitive and requires high levels of presence. There in an unprecedented intensity of self-reflection that comes with being a wife and playing “Mama” to Freddie Wilde, her one and a half year old guru-son. It is both the most disruptive force in her life and the one that continually has her stepping up to her Highest.

This Canadian native can be found teaching yoga, meditation and yoga nidra in Venice, CA. She’s an advocate for intuitive living, non-GMO whole foods, connecting with nature and the cosmos, daily meditation, yoga nidra and love. A whole lot of LOVE.

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