This is the third installment in a series of guided meditation videos designed to help you improve your focus and awareness as well as encourage you to be more present with the breath in your daily life. This particular breath meditation is meant for people who already have an existing practice. If you’re new to meditation, please start with this video, A Breath Meditation for Beginners, to learn the basics that will set you up to be present and calm. Then you can move on to this Breath Meditation for Intermediate Practitioners, to practice a technique for meditation in which the eyes stay open. In this follow-up session led by Lodro Rinzler, a Shambhala Buddhist meditation teacher and chief spiritual officer of MNDFL, a drop-in meditation studio in New York City, you will be asked to sit tall and gaze steadily with the eyes open. In this particular practice the goal is to balance mindfulness with present knowing, or awareness of the present moment. The idea here is to incorporate all of the senses into our practice, rather than blocking any of them off.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Meditation Posture

