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Teacher Training for the Active Series

First two sessions now open for SYC Authorized and Certified Teachers

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Yoga Advisor

We are pleased to announce the first two upcoming Active Series Training sessions:

  • New York City, USA: March 14-20, 2025 (North America)
  • Osaka City, Japan: May 14-20, 2025 (North Asia)

The Active Series was developed by Sharath Jois for the Contemplative Sciences Center at the University of Virginia (UVA) to make the profound benefits of Ashtanga Yoga available to a much wider audience, regardless of age or ability. It was his beautiful parting gift to the world—and the fruit of his lifelong dedication to sharing Ashtanga Yoga with as many as possible.

A Special Opportunity for SYC Authorized & Certified Teachers

Sharathji envisioned the Active Series as a unique offering for his Authorized and Certified teachers—a new sequence they could learn and teach in their own yoga shalas, and eventually introduce in other venues. It was his way of supporting teachers and shala owners, providing them with a way to share the teachings of Ashtanga Yoga and expand their student base.

His original plan was to conduct multiple Active Series training sessions, exclusively for SYC Authorized and Certified teachers, culminating in authorization from SYC to officially teach the Active Series. After Sharathji’s passing, Shruthi-ji entrusted Shraddha Jois and Andrew Hillam with continuing this important work.

Shraddha and Andrew will now lead smaller, more accessible group trainings in various locations worldwide, ensuring that more teachers have the opportunity to train in this special series.

Participants who complete the training will receive authorization from SYC to teach the Active Series.

About the Training

  • Shraddha Jois learned the Active Series directly from Sharathji, and features as the model in the full Active Series video.
  • Andrew Hillam (SYC Certified teacher) worked closely with Sharathji for 18 months from mid-2023, discussing every aspect of the Active Series—including its structure, similarities, and differences from the traditional Ashtanga series, and the methodology for teaching it. Many of these insights are captured in The Active Series book, co-authored by Andrew.

Current SYC Authorized and Certified teachers are encouraged to join us in New York or Osaka. If you would like to apply for either of these Active Series Trainings, please fill out the form below, and we will follow up with confirmation as soon as possible.

Each training program will run 7 days, with daily sessions of a few hours each day. Participants from Sharathji’s November 2024 UVA training can attend any one of the Active Series trainings at no cost through the end of 2026. The fee for all other participants is $700.

Space for these first two training programs is limited, but future trainings in other locations around the world will be announced soon.

Questions? Please email us at


2025 Active Series Training

  • Please upload a scanned image of your latest SYC certification (jpg, gif, png, pdf)
    Max. file size: 10 MB.
  • I would like to attend training in (please choose just one location):
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.



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