health & nutrition

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Ayurveda’s Approach to Mental Health

Strengthening your mind-body connection is crucial for your mental wellbeing, especially during these high-stress, modern times. Here's how this ancient medicinal system can help you stay calm and carry on.

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How Nature Impacts Our Health

Ayurveda has long acknowledged that the environment has the power to heal and restore. Here’s how.

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How Important Is Breakfast, Really?

If you generally can't stomach eating first thing in the morning, then you may be in luck. Here, a fitness expert makes the case for skipping the so-called “most important meal of the day.”

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The Best New Science for Weight Loss in 2018

Check out the latest research-backed strategies for healthy eating and weight loss that will help you stay fit, calm, and on track for your best year yet.

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Ayurveda’s Answer to How to Improve Your Immune System

Try these natural, time-tested methods for maintaining good health all year long.

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Why You Should Never Eat When Stressed

Feeling ungrounded can make you reach for comfort foods, but stuffing your face is not what your body needs right now. Here's what you can do to remain calm and still feel nourished.

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The Daily Massage You Really Need

No spa appointment required for this ancient therapy that reaps many physical and mental rewards, from a calm and energized body to a sharp and stress-free mind.

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Why You Should Change Your Diet With the Season

Aligning your eating habits with the time of year is not only good for your health and the environment, but also easy on your tastebuds and wallet.

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Ayurvedic Remedies for PMS That Really Work

A holistic approach to preventing and managing premenstrual symptoms at every stage of your cycle.

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The Best Foods to Buy at the Farmers’ Market This Summer

Stock your produce drawer with these five seasonal staples that are at their freshest, tastiest, and most nutritious peak right now.

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Guidelines for Eating the Ayurvedic Way

As much as we may love all-you-can-eat buffets, this ancient tradition values quality over quantity and with good reason: Modifying how you experience food may improve overall health and wellbeing.

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The Best Natural Skincare Products in Your Kitchen

Don't spend a fortune on cosmetics when everyday foods offer therapeutic and beauty-boosting benefits without potentially harmful ingredients.

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A Realistic Guide to Dealing with Sleep Deprivation

The effects of too little sleep can be hazardous to your health and happiness. Here are some natural solutions to help ease the symptoms and get more quality shut-eye.

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6 Natural Methods to Improve Antidepressant Effectiveness

If you want to get the most of medication for depression, consider pairing it with these six natural strategies to improve its mood-enhancing effects and minimize the risk of a relapse.

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The Startling Dangers of Drowsy Driving

One in three drivers admit to getting behind the wheel while sleep-deprived. The effects can be fatal, but are also avoidable if you follow this key advice.

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