mindful eating

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How Natural Remedies Helped Ease My MS Symptoms

Getting diagnosed with multiple sclerosis doesn't mean you will be destined to a wheelchair. Here, one young woman shares how a dramatic diet and lifestyle change left her feeling healthier and more appreciative of her beautiful able body.

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The Right Way to Incorporate Eggs into Your Diet

The new U.S. Dietary Guidelines, released in January, are changing your breakfast game. When it comes to cholesterol, especially found in eggs, you're now limit-free. Here's what this means for you.

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On Your Fourth Cup of Coffee? New Dietary Guidelines Approve

For the first time, the U.S. government has provided guidance on optimal caffeine intake, based on the latest research. Here's why you can brew your next cup with peace of mind.

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Should You Be Eating More Fermented Foods?

Find out why taking in foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, and kimchee can affect your weight, immunity, mental state, and more.

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6 Non-Diet Strategies for Healthy Weight Loss

Renowned neurologist, Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D., reveals in her new book these six secrets (and more) to overall health, mental clarity, and weight loss.

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A Former Vegan on the Extreme Diet That Threatened Her Health

Jordan Younger, author of the new book, Breaking Vegan, talks about how a quest to be her healthiest self led to orthorexia.

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The Surprising Ways Eating Clean Promotes Better Sleep

Eating clean is usually referenced in terms of improving physical well-being and maintaining a healthier weight, but a diet rich in whole foods also offers bedtime benefits.

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Why You Don’t Need to Go Organic to Eat Clean

The organic label carries a powerful health halo but it may not always be the most nutritious and environmentally superior option.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Your Own Food

You don't need a green thumb or a sprawling estate to start growing your own food. These days, anyone can become an unlikely farmer just about anywhere.

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A New, Mindful Approach to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

Mind-body nutritionist Kimberly Snyder talks with Sonima about her inside-out approach to looking and feeling your best.

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The Next Big Food Trend? Paying Attention

Many of us have lost touch with the experience of eating. Here’s how to tune in to what you take in and cultivate a more conscious relationship with food.

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How to Be a Conscious and Responsible Omnivore

Eating meat clashes with the practice of nonviolence toward all living creatures. But what if it feels like the right thing for your body?

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