pain free

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7 Ways Mindfulness Improves Your Running

Getting faster, fitter, and stronger isn't just about how often you lace up for a run. The real secret to success is learning to tune into your body during activity to reap the most rewards.

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6 Ways to Ease the Ache After Exercise

Some muscle soreness post-workout is unavoidable. Here are six strategies to minimize the next day's discomfort and speed up recovery so you can get moving again soon.

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4 Ways to Use a Foam Roller for Full-Body Relief

You know that feeling you get after a massage? Your body is better aligned, your muscles are looser, your mind is clearer? You can get that same feeling on your own with a foam roller.

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6 Self-Massage Tools to Restore Your Body at Home

Regular bodywork can ease everything from stress-induced shoulder tension to chronic pain and sore muscles—and you don’t need a masseuse to realize the benefits!

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How to Fix Neck and Shoulder Pain

Consistent neck and shoulder pain can be relieved naturally with simple movements that help improve alignment, flexibility, and strength.

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