The Active Series: New Book From Sharath Jois Is Now Available
Discover the new series designed by Sharathji to bring the profound benefits of Ashtanga Yoga to an expanded audience.
Teacher Training for the Active Series
First two training sessions announced for SYC Authorized and Certified Teachers
Vaikunta Samaradhane service for R. Sharath Jois
Paramaguru Sharath Jois’s sudden passing on November 12 was a tremendous loss—for his family, his students, and the Ashtanga community overall. Sharathji was a bright light in the world who inspired thousands and helped…
The Passing of Paramaguru Sharath Jois
It is with great sadness that we share the news of Paramaguru Sharath Jois’s sudden passing, on Monday November 11th. Sharathji was a great leader and a bright light in the world who inspired…
Tap into Your Seed Sounds to Unlock Your Full Potential
Reconnect to sound vibrations that are unique to you—and your goals and challenges—through an innovative new guided mediation app.
Create a Fulfilling Life
If to-do lists, meaningless work, and student debt have left you feeling that life is devoid of real purpose, you're not alone. Try this practice from Sonima's psychologist to author a rewarding and fulfilling existence.
How to Maintain Your Yoga Practice During the Holidays
It can be difficult to stick to a regular routine under the most conducive circumstances, let alone during the end-of-the-year bustle. These seven strategies will help you make the most of your yoga, no matter how much (or little) time you have.
Your December Horoscope—End the Year on a High Note
Opportunities are coming your way this month, and with the right mindset and some newfound confidence, you can wrap up 2020 with great success.
How to Deal with Negative People
Sometimes the people we love can bring us down with their pessimism. Here, Sonima's psychologist offers a practice to help you avoid catching their outlook.
10 Niyamas: Personal Observances to Deepen Your Yoga Practice
These ancient guidelines help you connect with your soul and enrich your yoga journey.
Your November Horoscope—A Time of Abundance
The cosmic energy brings a newfound clarity of mind to allow you to identify your true life goals—and the confidence to achieve even more than you dream of.
Learning to Let Go of the Past
Accepting that you cannot change history is not always easy, but the reward is more energy, freedom, and awareness of the present moment. Here, Sonima's psychologist offers a meditative practice to help you free yourself of unhelpful thoughts.
How Writing a Children’s Book Deepened My Yoga Practice
Translating Patanjali’s philosophy into language even kids can understand helped this author take the wisdom to heart and find the confidence to venture beyond the mat and face her fears, insecurities, and frustrations.
How to Work with Your Inner Critic
Yelling at our inner demons or trying to reason with them never works. Instead, try this approach from Buddhism to give yourself what you truly need.
Your October Horoscope—Nothing Can Stop You
This month the planets bring the creativity, focus, and drive to do something big—and succeed. The only question is: What will you do with that energy?