guided meditations

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A Loving-Kindness Practice for Strangers and Loved Ones

This 15-minute guided meditation will help you stretch your feelings of compassion toward all people and beings you encounter.

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A Loving-Kindness Practice for Self-Acceptance

Try this 10-minute Buddhist meditation to work toward self-acceptance and self-love the next time you face a trying situation.

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A 20-Minute Breath Meditation for Advanced Practitioners

This guided 20-minute breath meditation for advanced practitioners can help you deepen your practice to reach a new level of total relaxation.

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A Meditation for Finding Center

This guided 10-minute breath-based meditation is accessible for all levels, and will help you find a new sense of center and weightlessness.

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A Breath Meditation for Experienced Practitioners

This guided 15-minute breath meditation for experienced practitioners can help you deepen your practice to reach a new level of total relaxation.

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A Body Scan Meditation for Relaxation by Deepak Chopra

Melt away stress in less than five minutes with this simple, full-body, mindfulness meditation.

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A Water Meditation for Embracing Your Bounty, Bliss, and Beauty

Get ready to live life to the fullest. This simple meditation will inspire you to reach your maximum potential so that you can live your best life.

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A Breath Meditation for Intermediate Practitioners

This guided 15-minute breath meditation for intermediates can help you deepen your practice to reach a new level of total relaxation.

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A Breath Meditation for Beginners

This guided 10-minute breath meditation for beginners can be used to create internal calm and focus.

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A Meditation for Authentic Communication

Some things need to be said, but you may feel too scared to say them. Follow this guided meditation to draw out that inner voice and express your thoughts and concerns in a kind, compassionate, and effective way.

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A Morning Meditation with Elena Brower

Every sunrise marks a new beginning. And what better way to start fresh than with a mind-clearing meditation, like this guided morning practice.

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A Meditation for Conscious Parenting

Nourishing oneself as a parent is one of the most productive things we can do. In this guided meditation, find balance and light through breath awareness that will uplift your practice of parenting.

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A Meditation for Energy

Set the refresh button and feel more energized and productive with this breath-based guided meditation from Deepak Chopra.

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A Meditation for Positive Transformation

Find peace and empowerment in this guided meditation that uses mantra and affirmation to expand consciousness and increase joy.

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A Guided Meditation for Devotion and Gratitude

Follow this visualization practice to help you connect with your lineage and generate strong feelings of devotion and appreciation.

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