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What Does Your May Horoscope Reveal?

A noted Vedic astrologer shares how the planets and stars might affect your life this month.

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Meditation Advisor

Spring not only winds forward our clocks, but also winds up our energy. The horoscopes that follow provide a glimpse at what to expect, avoid, and where to focus your newfound energy best. Whether or not you believe in the predictive power of the stars, this new monthly column is designed to serve as an entertaining vehicle for self-examination and mindful living.


This May, Venus, the Sun, and Mercury are in the Aries, bringing enormous planetary power for improvement and growth. The month begins with Moon transit in the 10th house indicates career gains, added responsibilities and new opportunities. Financial difficulties and constraints seem to be a thing of the past, but some obstacles may arise in the path of progress as Ketu transit the 11th house of gains. Sun gets exalted in Aries, and therefore your talents will shine at the work place, bringing you benefits and rewards. Overall, work will be very satisfying this month, as you will accomplish more in less time. This is a period of Happy Money—money that is earned in happy and enjoyable way. With Venus, the planet of creativity in ascendant, your creativity will be at all-time high. Mars, the sign lord, will be in retrograde motion most of the month. This is really the only major complication right now as you have energy, finance and determination but lack clarity in finding the best path. With Venus and Sun in your first house, you will possess a magical ability to charm people of the opposite sex. With your creative ability on top, you will make the best of your talent in this period. Good period of love and romance, however, you need to be careful of what you say to your beloved as any rude behavior would only cause a rift in the relationship, which would have a negative impact on your relationship for long. Overall, a very promising period when position, money and love are within your reach and you will enjoy the voluntary work of all kinds.

Lucky days – Tuesdays and Saturdays
Lucky dates – 3, 7, 14, 20 and 24


This month with sign lord Venus in the 12th house with exalted Sun and 10th lord Saturn in the house of partnership, you can certainly look into new jobs and assignments, but don’t rely on promises made by others, even relatives and close friends. This is not an exceptionally good time for professional advancement, promotions and recognition as Ketu is posited in the 10th house, bringing you new challenges in whatever you do. As 2nd lord Mercury is in the 12th house, loss of finances can be there, or unwanted expense could bother you during this period. Despite difficulties on the financial front, you will sail through with the help of others. You should rely on past experience when it comes to completing pending projects. You can make financial gains later in the month if you consider conservative long-term investments. With moon transit in the 9th house, distant travel will be on the cards for some. Your ability to tackle problems swiftly could bring you appreciation from peers. Social activity during this period will be quite satisfying. Sportsmen, artists and writers can look forward to some financial benefits and fame. Get involved in fitness programs that will help you improve your health. Last week of May will bring you spiritual gains from a holy man, which will bring lots of solace and mental peace.

Lucky days – Wednesdays
Lucky dates – 4, 11, 19 and 27th


With sign lord Mercury in the house of gains, this May an exciting new job or position is likely to come your way and it looks like a promising one. 12th lord Venus in the 11th house, you will spend a handsome amount on luxuries and other comforts, but your extravagant nature may create tension and arguments at your home front, therefore be careful when you make expensive purchases. Talk to your spouse in confidence or else you could not only hit your budget, but could also create unnecessary tensions at home. Also this month, you are likely to gain a lot provided you pay heed to others guidance. Your charming nature and personality would help you make new friends. Past troubles seem to fade away as the bright side of your personality enables you to take things in a stride especially after the 15th of May. With 3rd lord Sun in exaltation in the house of gains, your friends gain through your advice. Emotionally, May will be a very sensitive month as Moon transits the 8th house, which may also have an adverse effect on your health. A short pleasure jaunt towards end of the month will prove to be the antidote you require to release yourself from all the months’ tensions and stress. New romance for some cannot be ruled out.

Lucky days – Monday
Lucky dates – 2, 9, 18 and 15th


With retrograde Mars conjoined with retrograde Saturn in the 5th house, this period is extremely good for education, planning and personal matter. Exalted Sun with Mercury and Venus in the 10th house, your career is likely to occupy a prominent place in your mind. Business wise this may not be the best of the month, you need to remember that all partnerships need to be done with extreme care and avoid investing without the advice of experts; else loss of money cannot be ruled out. Travel and outstation journey will be undertaken quite frequently bringing you desired results. Financial position is likely to improve as the month progresses provided you do not make any hasty decisions. Socially and spiritually it will be an elevating period. Family members will shower their love upon you and bring you gifts and presents. Some influential person will bring good impact on your life. A long lost friend may try to get back to you but this may not be a good idea as this friend may not be a friend any more. Your health will be normal except minor ailments due to seasonal changes, which can be avoided if you are little careful. With strong Moon square Venus your mind would always be attracted towards members of the opposite sex. Your creativity will rise and you will have the capacity to do new things at amazing level. This is a period which will help you accomplish lots if you are determined and think positive.

Lucky days – Thursday
Lucky dates – 4, 12, 25 and 28th.



This month sign lord Sun continues its transit through Aries, the sign in which it gets exalted. This transit in the house of luck is important as Sun is conjoined with 2nd lord Mercury and 10th lord Venus, the period promises new rewards on the career front. New opportunities for fresh jobs will come through people you know. Expenses are likely to remain high, however money spend will be for good use only. This is the period when you should have confidence in your abilities and belief in yourself. As Jupiter and Rahu are conjoined in the first house, few unexpected obstacles are likely to come your way. Despite few obstacles professional gains are strongly indicated; however your love life may suffer due to Ketu in the 7th house. You need to make this period special for your beloved to strengthen your relationship further. Plan a short but nice pleasure trip with your beloved. This would not only enable you to sort-out your differences but also bring a new spirit in your romance. Spend time together on a beach or go camping. The lovely natural surroundings will help in knowing & understanding each other better. You must not slip this golden opportunity from your hand and develop a trusting relationship that would cement the bond. Meditation and yoga will be beneficial for spiritual as well as physical gains. Domestic renovation, technology up-gradation or distant pilgrimage will be high on your personal agenda.

Lucky days – Monday
Lucky dates – 2, 11, 18 and 30th


This month with most of the planets in malefic houses, Virgos are likely to face enormous challenges in May, especially if they do not take sufficient care when performing important jobs. If you fail, then it will probably be because of your own wrong doings, which means that it’s up to you to avoid it and also sort things out. Overlooking the needs of your family members will ruin peace at home. An increase in frustration may dampen your work and slow down your progress. Avoid doing things that could complicate your life further. However, support from friends will be enormous during this period, some of whom would go out of the way to help you. Financially, things remain positive despite planets under malefic influence. This is because 4 planets would be in retrograde motion, brining you results from your past efforts. Middle of the month will bring you new opportunities to make some quick money. However, it would still be important that you use your prudence and avoid making any hasty and thoughtless actions. With Jupiter and Rahu transit in the 12th house, a contract or money gain from overseas is also possible for some. Pending household jobs will be completed to your satisfaction and some of you are likely to begin important assignments. As sign lord Mercury is in the 8th house, health definitely needs care, therefore do some regular morning walks and follow a healthy diet, which would help in regaining your lost energy and spirits.

Lucky days – Friday
Lucky dates – 6, 11, 20 and 26


This month with retrograde Saturn and retrograde Mars in the 2nd house, do not go overboard on spending unless you need to purchase necessities. This is the period when you need to be practical and down to earth. There could be delays and glitches on the financial front. Due to 4 retrograde planets this month including Mercury and Saturn; you will see many important projects getting delayed or not bringing the desired results. This is the period for introspection and reworking on your plans. If you are entering any agreement, make sure you read all the fine print before you sign. This is the period when you can show your critics all your amazing qualities, but you need to do things with extreme caution and care. With 3rd lord Jupiter conjoined with Rahu in the house of gains, your determination and confidence will set an example for others. Your hard work sets off a chain reaction. Important people who have been observing you from distance, come forward and support you openly. Your love life is also in the state of retrogression, which will make you highly practical in love. You will go out of the way to solve issues that have been bothering you for some time now. At the end an improved relationship can be expected, purely because of your nature to forgive and forget. A better understanding with your spouse brings happiness, peace and prosperity at home.
Lucky days – Saturday
Lucky dates – 7, 14, 16 and 28


Soaring temperature is likely to affect your temperament as a result you may have terrible mood swings this May. More so as sign lord Mars is retrograde and conjoined with retrograde Saturn in the first house. There will be times when you will feel the need to express yourself, avoid doing it through anger. Do not provoke people or be provoked. Any hasty decisions taken will result in losses. Doing meditation is a good way to attain peace of mind. Rahu and Jupiter transit through the 10th house. 2nd lord Jupiter becomes direct on the 9th of May, due to which career improvement is in the offing and gains can be from most unexpected fronts. You need to remember that when Jupiter and Rahu are conjoined, and trine to Sun, Venus and Mercury, your faith in the future, quest for knowledge and belief in yourself will pay dividends and will enable you to face coming challenges with conviction and determination. Travel undertaken for work purpose will be beneficial. The latter half of May will see children/students involving themselves in small career oriented programs and further studies. Wedding bells for some as others will find romance to keep them in high spirits. Health definitely needs more precaution than cure, especially for those who are prone to sudden changes in the weather. Meditation and yoga will be beneficial for physical as well as mental strength.

Lucky days – Wednesday
Lucky dates – 4, 10, 17 and 22

Related: An Evening Meditation for Calm Reflection



Jupiter the sign lord which has been in retrograde motion moves direct again on the 9th of May. This change in motion of Jupiter will bring you more confidence and inner strength. After a long while of stagnation, you get a feeling that you are moving forward in life. With Mars and Saturn in the 10th house, you will try to assert yourself in whatever you do. This sudden change of transit should not make you go overboard with overconfidence and you should not take unnecessary risks in life. It would be prudent to remain open-minded to suggestions from well-wishers. Long pending judicial problems and disputes seem to get sorted out to your satisfaction, bringing a sense of relief to your mind. A sudden development on the domestic front brings about jubilation and celebrations for the entire family. Health of your parents however will require extra attention and care. Rahu and Jupiter in the 9th house may bring you distant travel and outstation journey. Social activities will keep you happy but you should avoid disclosing your ideas and important plans to casual acquaintances, as chances of deceit will be very strong during this period.

Lucky days – Saturday
Lucky dates – 3, 10, 19 and 30


With sign lord Saturn in the house of gains, this May you will have remarkable opportunity to make financial gains provided you move around with people who possess a creative flair. You are likely to lead others into charitable work and get busy with efforts that benefit the society. You will earn enormous respect and fame from people around you. With compassion and understanding you will prevent others from having emotional pain and depression. Your convincing power will be at its best. Romantic matters and affairs of the heart will bring joy and happiness. Distant travel around middle of the month will prove to be highly beneficial not only for pleasure but for monetary gains as well. The period is promising; however the results can be delayed due to half the planets being retrograde in transit. Things are likely to move at slow pace and much of the good that is expected will come after some delays. With Jupiter and Rahu in the 8th house, health needs care. You should take rest in between work and ask your family members for sharing your workload. Back aches, stiff neck and other stress related problems during this period cannot be ruled out.

Lucky days – Monday and Friday
Lucky dates – 5, 8, 18 and 25



The planetary powers change for the better this month. Despite some tensions and mental stress that you might have experienced last month, this period starts on an optimistic note. The social house of your horoscope is very powerful and likely to give you outstanding results. There will be a remarkable improvement in relationship with important people and it will bring a change in your personality and strong influence on your thinking. Gains through people you know are indicated strongly in your chart during this period. Your financial position will improve as pending payments are recovered. Increased finances will make you spend more on luxuries and other comforts. A short pleasure trip to refresh your mind and your energies seem likely later in the month. You also need to take out some time for visiting few special friends, as your recent work schedule might have prevented you from seeing them for a while. Those eligible for marriage will find a suitable match this month. Health seems perfect, but your tendency to overwork and stress yourself will require you to be very religious towards your daily exercise. Good period for charity and voluntary services.

Lucky days – Tuesdays and Friday
Lucky dates – 4, 16, 21 and 27


With half the planets in retrograde motion and sign lord Jupiter is conjoined with Rahu in the 6th house of secret enemies, the best thing for you is keep patience. Don’t let the frustration and negative thoughts make you miss some of the brilliant opportunities that would eventually come your way. If you speak gently you will win brilliant favors from important people. Businessmen who are planning to form new alliances and partnerships or planning to sign new contracts should do after proper due diligence. With Sun in the 2nd house, past worries and trouble will fade away, and fresh ideas and plans will take concrete shape. This month you will earn respect from your peers and your creativity will enhance, you will be more of a philosopher and everyone will love to gather around you and listen. You can use some of this extraordinary talent to help those who have lost their path in life. Latter half of the month will bring about an unexpected journey, which will prove to be heavy on your pocket. Social get-together and family functions would keep you in a relaxed and happy mood. Due to retrograde Jupiter and Mercury, artists, sportsmen, writers and those in the creative fields can look forward to rewards for their efforts made in the past.

Lucky days – Thursday
Lucky dates – 2, 15, 24 and 29



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